We offer Door-To-Door Campaigns services for the promotion of the candidate. We help the candidate establish his/her true image, beliefs, and visions for the development of the constituency. We make sure that bills, letters and appeal should reach all households across the constituency which will help the candidate establish his/her image among the locales.
Establishing leader’s true image, what he/she believes in, and theirvision for the development of the constituency.
Bills, letters and appeal should reach all households across the constituency.
A list of all the work done by your party government and you should be dropped in every household as a booklet to keep theminformed.
A list of new voters whose names should be added to the voter list would be prepared during door to doorcampaign.
Phone/Mobile no and Correspondence Address of the people addressed in the household would be noted down to start communication in all possible forms from.
Our team will also ensure to put your hoardings and banners at the required site.
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JanMat Political Consulting work on multi-dimensional factors of election and its micromanagement. We are a one stop solution to fulfil all your political needs.